الأربعاء، 4 أبريل 2012

From Foreign Policy magazine
by:Peter Feaver

برت مكورغ السفير الامريكي الذي تمت الموافقة عليه من قبل الرئيس اوباما
المؤسف بالموضوع كله ان تقوم القائمة العراقية بتوزيع منشور بيان على اعضاء الكونغرس تطلب منهم فيه عدم الموافقة
الامر الذي ادهشني هو المدى الذي ستذهب اليه العراقية لعرقلة امور العراق ولنشر غسيلنا  حول العالم

مع الاسف .. البعثي بعثي لو تطلع نخلة براسه
برت مكورغ يعرف دواخل العراق لانه عمل كمستشار في السفارة لفترة طويلة وعمل ايضا على صياغة الاتفاقية الامنية بين العراق والولايات المتحدة
ارجو ان يخيب فأل القائمة العراقية 

McGurk nomination to Iraq post is worth applauding

There hasn't been a lot of good news on the Iraq front of late. But there is one bit, and I am going to grab it and hope for the best: President Obama has nominated Brett McGurk to be the next Ambassador to Iraq. I worked closely with Brett on Iraq policy back in the day and it is hard to think of someone Obama might have nominated who is more committed to success in Iraq. Brett was one of the earliest and most ardent supporters of the surge in 2006 and he has stayed active on the inside more or less ever since. There are few Americans inside or outside government with his breadth of experience and insider knowledge about Iraqi politics.

Senator McCain has expressed some very understandable frustration with Obama's handling of the Iraq file, but I hope those concerns do not hold up McGurk's confirmation. McCain is right that the prospects for securing American interests in the region would be better if the Obama administration had successfully negotiated a deal to keep the planned-for stay-behind overwatch force in place. And even if U.S. plans in Iraq have had to be scaled back, the embassy will still be extraordinarily large and something of a managerial nightmare; McGurk will need a very strong senior leadership team to manage it all effectively.

But those who still want to preserve as much of what the surge accomplished as can be preserved at this point will not find a more committed partner and advocate than Brett McGurk. I hope his nomination means we can count the president in that number.

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